MapLink™ Procedures | Temporary Signs

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Temporary Signs
1. Signs in Public Cartway. Excepting municipal signs and identification signs, all signs, including temporary political signs, shall be permitted only on private property. Temporary signs may not be placed within the public right-of-way or on public property.

2. Public Nuisance. Any sign posted in violation of this section is hereby declared to be a nuisance. In addition to any other remedy provided by this Part or available under law, the Township may apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for an injunction to prohibit the continuation of any violation.

3. Removal Procedures. Any sign found to violate this section shall be removed forthwith by any Township employee duly authorized by the Township Manager or his/her designee.

4. Notice, Storage, Return. Upon removal of any sign in violation of this section, a designated employee of the Township shall keep a record of the location from which the sign was removed. Further, a reasonable attempt shall be made to contact the owner. If such attempt is successful, the owner shall be notified of the removal and of the location where the sign may be retrieved. If telephone or other contact, including, but not limited to, electronic means, is not achieved, written notice of the violation and the retrieval location may, but is not required to, be provided. In either case, the Township shall store any removed sign for at least 10 days. After expiration of the ten-day period, the Township shall be permitted to destroy or discard any sign.

5. Persons Deemed Responsible. The person(s), organization(s), or business(es) named or promoted on the sign posted in violation of this section shall be deemed to be the owner responsible for the violation, absent prior notification to the Township of another responsible party. Nothing in this section shall be interpreted to make any person, organization, or business liable for any sign posted by persons over whom he/she/it has no control.

See § 27-1609: Temporary Signs for more detailed information.